For Content Providers

Facts & Arts is a platform for owners of high quality content to distribute their content to a worldwide audience.

Facts & Arts' objective is to enhance the distribution of individual owners' content by combining various types of high quality content that can be assumed to interest the same audience. The thinking is that in this manner the individual pieces of content on Facts & Arts support the distribution of one another.

The owner can choose to distribute its content either for free or against a charge payable by the visitor to Facts & Arts. The charge is set by the content owner.

Each piece of content may include links of the owner’s choice, for instance to the owner’s own web site or, say, to a book or music store.

A content owner that regularly distributes through Facts & Arts is provided with its own section within Facts & Arts, where all of the content owner’s content posted on Facts & Arts is displayed.

Content distributed through Facts & Arts is done on non-exclusive basis. Facts & Arts does not limit the content owner’s freedom to utilize other distribution channels.

A content owner can terminate the use of Facts & Arts at will, in which case the content owner’s content will be promptly removed from Facts & Arts.

Facts & Arts neither charges for the use of its site nor pays for the content posted on it. However, Facts & Arts takes a cut of the revenue if the content owner has set a charge payable by the visitor to Facts & Arts.

If you have fitting written material, classical music or videos; or if you would like to become one of our regular columnists, a book reviewer or music reviewer; or if you wish to market or broadcast a live event through Facts & Arts, please contact us at

Olli Raade
